LED Project Design Guide - Matrix

Just a bit of info for now

Pixel Type: This is the form factor of the pixel, commonly 5050 pixel strip, 5050 pixel panels, or resin cast 12mm RGB pixel is common. Depends on your project uses and requirments. Pixel panels are plug and play, pixel strips require a lot of wiring and soldering, and the resin cast pixel require a front panel with holes drilled to hold them.

Resin Cast Project Example: Round LED Matrix - 340 WS2801 Pixels
Pixel Strip Project Example: LED Matrix Mask - 142 WS2812B Pixels
Pixel Strip Project Example: Spherical LED Matrix

Pixel Density: Pixel strips come in standard densities such as 30/60/100 pixels per meter. Higher densities will have a tighter pitch and increase the amount of pixels required to build the matrix. Density selection should be considered carefully, the cost of the pixels can add up quick. And requires more substantial power supplies, interconnects, and wiring.

Pixel Pitch: The distance between pixels. To make a proper matrix, the distance between pixels should be the same in both the X and Y directions. Same distance side to side as up and down. The pixels should also be aligned in an even grid, if not in a grid, it makes it a lot more difficult to display content such as videos.

Data Requirements: Each RGB pixel requires 3 bytes(8-bit is common) of data to set the color values for each. Each color value is considered a 'channel'. That can add up to a lot of data. For 512 pixels that is 1536 byes per update, if running at 30 FPS that is 45KB per second of data required. Not all data transmission methods and packet rates are viable with higher data requirements.

Modular: It can save a lot of time and effort debugging and fixing issues if the matrix is as modular as possible. For larger matrices, if possible it is recommended to use connectors, such as a JST-SM, to separate sections of matrix so they can be tested individually. Soldering every part and pixel together is not advised as it makes it quite difficult to troubleshoot, especially on site.

NLED AllPixMatrix (new) Visit Webpage
NLED Matrix (old) Visit Webpage
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